Award Winning Leader in Information Security


Award Winning Leader in Information Security

Tarnveer Singh, MBA (2019-2020) Chief Information Security Officer at The Exeter, an esteemed insurance provider alongside serving as Director at Cyber Wisdom Ltd. His journey from an IT Consultant to a distinguished leader in information security is a testament to the transformative power of higher education, particularly his experience pursuing an MBA at the University of Bolton.

Tarnveer's academic journey began with a first degree in Economics from Birmingham University. However, feeling constrained by a perceived "glass ceiling" in his career, he sought to delve deeper into leadership, strategy and executive challenges. This led him to pursue an MBA recognising it as a crucial step towards understanding the dynamics of corporate leadership.

Throughout his MBA journey, Tarnveer found immense value in the structured curriculum which progressively developed his knowledge and expertise. He acknowledges the pivotal role played by faculty members notably Martin McAreavey whose industry experience and practical insights bridged the gap between theory and reality. Modules such as Strategic Management and the MBA Dissertation provided a solid foundation for his career trajectory instilling in him a profound understanding of leadership, strategy and ethical considerations in business.

Beyond academia, Tarnveer actively participated in student clubs and societies enriching his overall university experience. His engagement in coaching and mentoring initiatives reflects his commitment to giving back to the community and nurturing future talent.

The MBA programme offered unique opportunities for industry partnerships, case studies and guest speakers thereby immersing Tarnveer in the practical realities of business. Professional accreditations obtained post-graduation further expanded his skill set facilitating continuous learning and growth.

Tarnveer navigated numerous challenges from tight deadlines to balancing academic pursuits with work and personal life. However, he recognises these challenges as catalysts for growth emphasising the importance of resilience and trusting the process.

The university community both during and after his studies has remained a valuable source of support. Strong relationships with former teachers and lecturers underscore the enduring impact of his academic journey while the Greater Manchester Business School's robust support services eased his transition during challenging times.


Armed with strategic thinking honed through his MBA, Tarnveer has ascended to the role of an award-winning Chief Information Security Officer. His commitment to people, processes and technology underscores his vision of transforming organisations into customer-centric entities. The MBA has paved the way for his continued success and enabled him to mentor and coach future leaders in the field.

Tarnveer encourages prospective students to embark on the MBA journey highlighting the positive aspects, unique opportunities and supportive environment offered by the university. He emphasises that self-doubt should not be a barrier to achievement urging aspiring leaders to leverage the skills and strategies gained from the course to unlock their full potential.

Dare to Dream

In reflection, Tarnveer's journey from an IT Consultant to an award-winning Chief Information Security Officer exemplifies the transformative impact of pursuing higher education particularly an MBA. With a Distinction in hand and a special award for scholarly excellence, Tarnveer stands as a testament to the limitless possibilities that await those who dare to dream and pursue their ambitions. His story serves as an inspiration for future applicants reaffirming that with dedication and strategic application of knowledge, there are no limits to what one can achieve.


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